Monday, October 17, 2016


so the funny dog story of the week. we went to do service and as we are walking back we hear someone screaming so we look and this dog had jumped off the roof and bit this girl. well literally latins are very into gossip haha so they all run outside and the whole neighborhood is watching. i felt so bad for this girl! and the whole entire day i just kept saying i wonder what that girl was doing to have him bit her. so we get to the end of the day and are contacting like we do every day and then i see a girl and she looked so familiar so i just start talking to her and her friend and i asked where they lived. she said right where the girl got bit. so i asked if she and her friend and seen the girl get bit. she said it was her! the girl we were contacting was the girl that got bit! and the even better part was that it was her friends dog that bit her. they said that dog had bitten four people last year and three people this year so their grandpa took it to the middle of nowhere and left it there... i hate dogs. im just praying every day that they dont touch me. 

we had a great lesson with one of our investigadors that doesnt want to get married. we had to be really direct like really direct and ask her questions but i didnt feel awkward doing it. i think thats where the authority comes in no? and i think thats the best way to communicate with people is just be direct. because when we sit and try to beat around the bush some things get misinterpreted and feelings get hurt. but i am learning soooo much this transfer with hna esparza about marriage haha. its because we get along soo well but other things make us fight. its not our fault that things happen and we cant take it out on each other. i just feel like its helped me learn that marriage isnt always just you and him. theres a lot more things and you cant let those things come between you two. like our 10 well now 9 daughters haha because hna guarachi poor thing went home. maybe it sounds really weird but i know the mission teaches us a lot about marriage as well as life. im learning so much here and im grateful for that because i know our experiences make us who we are. 

Guess what? josephine got baptized!!! can you believe it? miguels mom from cerro de pasco. i seriuosly wasnt seeing so many fruits of my labors but now i am and im able to see my setting apart blessing come to pass. maybe im not there to see it but at least it is happening. i love you all. i really hope you jave a great week!!! muah

Hna Rasmussen

Hna guarachi left on tuesday in the morning and my comp hna esparza and hna petersen and i eating compeltos. its basically bread, cut tomato. guacamole and hot dogs. its a really common chilean food. its simple and good.

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