Monday, October 3, 2016

I'm Proud to Be An American. . . Again!

welll so i have learned a ton about peru this week. and thats why im proud to be an american again...... so being hna lider is not the funnest job in the world. its a lot more responsability. we had an amazing pday and tuesday was seriuosly one of the most successful days ive ever had in the mission. we had contacted like 10 people and had had 7 lessons and 2 members that had accompanied us. it was beautiful and it was only 7 pm and we still had two more appnts. we were sooo happy! but then our lives changed. we get a call that hna guarachi from bolivia had thrown up in a members house. so we call the health secretary and he tells us we have to take her to the clinic. so we go and she just has soooo much pain! she was crying and rolling on the bed and acting like a demon was inside of her. so they keep pumping her full of meds. we had to sleep the night there.... i slept like two hours on a little cot type hospital bed thing. with my comp. it was very uncomfortable. then i wake up and have a really stuffy nose. sore throat and a cough. so then we do even more exams and they all think she has gastritis and its an advanced case. another doctor comes and says but where her liver and gallblader is its bigger... so they finall after like two days do an eco gram? not an xray. in spanish ecografia. they see that her gallbladder has a ton of little rocks and its really big. so then she has surgery. they take out her gallbladder and its huge! and it was almost black! it should be green... so she was dying basically. so this whole week we have been dealing with all of that and havent been able to work in our own area. we felt really bad about that and are going a little crazy staying in the hospital with her but we are learning lots of love! haha so why im proud ot be an american. literally the hospital here didnt even have toilet paper. they kept looking at us. the nurses. and would ask if we had paper... ugh are you kidding? then they will not do anything until you pay. so after everything was said and done we spent about 7000 soles. or like 2000 dollars. its actually really cheap but its scary here. they only accept cash. and someone can be literally dying and they wont do anything until you give them the plata. so thats why a  lot of people die here vecause they cant pay anything. its ridiculous. and how all the doctors just kept saying gastritis.... but the whole time it was her gallbladder when her stomach  was physically swollen. i just get frustrated with the people because then they give her like three pils to take for three days and nothing else. like wow.. the health care here is sad. another lady also entered in and almost died. they wouldnt give her money back of 5000 soles and she started hitting this man. they hadnt done anything to her mom because they didnt want to have her die on their hands but because she already paid they wouldnt give her her money back.... are you kidding me? so how was she supposed to take her mom to another place and have them cure her if she has no more money? they finally gave it back.. but wow. its been a crazy experience in the clinics of peru.  i was just really glad i got to see conferencce at least in english. we went and watched it. i love that alot of the talks were about the mision work. POR FIN! they all talked about a lot of the lessons that we teach and how we all need to share. soo help the missionaries and pray for opportunities!!! i also loved how they talked about joy. its true. this gospel is a gospel of joy! and its real real joy. not the joy from the world. 

we felt really bad for not being inour area and thinking we have forgotten how to teach because its been so long but im grateful for our district leader. he said you guys still are doing missionaryt work. we are here to serve others and thats what you guys are doing! so keep serving and keep preaching and youre doing missionary work.  maybe you dont have numbers but youre doing the will of the lord and serving Him. im grateful and we have someone thats going to get baptized on the 14th! her name is emily! its really great because shes 13 and her whole fmaily is member. but we are making sure that literally she has a testimony. she wasnt really progressing with the other sister but when i got here we started making her do things like research and make posters and now she even does her own family home evening and teaches everyone. she is so cute. this is the work of the lord. evven if we arent working the work doesnt stop. the lord keeps preparing the hearts of his children. i love the mission and i lvoe that im learning a lot. oh and i love you all too. 

Hna Rasmussen

general conference lunch with all the sisters.. i found hna martha and hno willy my pension in my first area!!!! eating  tacos the night we had to stay in the hospital and us buying baby food for our poor little hna guarachi... haha

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